
Showing posts from March, 2006

Final Offer from Senayan

Deliberations on the Military Justice Bill have encountered a dead end. The government doesn't want TNI officers to be tried in civil courts. WITHIN a short time, the 10 members of the Special Committee for the Draft Law on Military Justice plan to meet with the government. One of the agenda that has been prepared is the proposal to establish a transition period before military officers are tried in civil courts for crimes committed outside the line of duty. "We want to see what the government's response will be," said Special Committee Chairman, Andreas Pareira, who is also the head of the lobby team. The lobbying team was formed on Wednesday last week after deliberations on the Draft Law on Revisions to the Law on Military Justice were deadlocked. The deadlock occurred in mid-February after the committee and government representatives failed to reach an agreement over two issues. First, Article 9 on the jurisdiction of military courts and second, Articles 198-203 on

Tawaran Terakhir dari Senayan

Pembahasan Rancangan Undang-Undang Peradilan Militer menemui jalan buntu. Pemerintah tak ingin aparat TNI diadili di pengadilan umum. Terdiri dari 10 anggota Panitia Khusus (Pansus) Rancangan Undang-Undang Peradilan Militer, tim ini dalam waktu dekat berencana menggelar pertemuan dengan pemerintah. Salah satu agenda yang disiapkan, mereka akan menawarkan adanya masa transisi sebelum anggota militer diadili di pengadilan umum jika melakukan tindakan pidana di luar pidana militer. “Kami mau melihat apa tanggapan pemerintah,” kata Ketua Pansus Andreas Pareira yang sekaligus ketua tim lobi. Tim lobi itu dibentuk pada Rabu pekan lalu setelah pembahasan RUU tentang Perubahan atas Undang-Undang Peradilan Militer tak bisa diteruskan. Kemacetan ini terjadi setelah pada pertengahan Februari lalu tak tercapai kata sepakat antara Pansus dan wakil pemerintah dalam dua hal. Pertama, Pasal 9 tentang yurisdiksi peradilan militer. Kedua, Pasal 198 sampai 203 tentang pengadilan koneksitas. Dari semula,

Morality plays

AsiaViews, Edition: 11/III/March/2006 The Anti-Pornography and Pornographic Acts Bill is undergoing revision. The PDI-P has agreed to allow the discussions to continue, providing four terms are met. THE procession of hundreds of professional traditional dancers was accompanied by the melodic sounds of traditional musical instruments like the gong and the Kendang drum. Many of the dancers were wearing the Kemben. This Javanese chest cloth exposes part of the upper torso when certain dance movements are performed. The dancers, ranging in ages from 17 to 60, began their walk at the School for Traditional Arts in Solo and headed for the Surakarta Cultural Park, about 800 meters away. The dancers, crowding the streets of Solo last Wednesday, didn’t intend to follow the carnival. They gathered to mark their protest against the Anti-Pornography and Pornographic Acts Bill (RUU APP), which is currently being discussed in the House of Representatives (DPR). “If traditional dances like tayub are

A more comprehensive code

AsiaViews, Edition: 11/III/March/2006 IT’S fantastic. That was the comment of senior journalist Atmakusumah Astraatmadja after scrutinizing the Journalistic Code of Ethics endorsed and signed by 29 organizations of journalists at Harris Hotel, Jakarta, on Tuesday last week. The new code was processed only in less than two months. It’s indeed fantastic in comparison with the previous one, signed on April 6, 1999 in Bandung, which took seven months to complete. The express code-making brought relief to Press Council Chairman Ichlasul Amal. As host, assisted by the Tifa Foundation, the Press Council was worried that its discussion would be tough, heated and even rowdy. “The committee had planned to alert the police for fear of any unruliness,” said Amal laughingly as he addressed the end of the deliberation. In fact, the draft prepared by the Press Council’s working group had become a subject of passionate debate. One of the points of argument was the phrase “no ill intent” in Article 1:

Tensi Tinggi di Antara Pasal Lonjong

Rancangan Undang-Undang Antipornografi dan Pornoaksi mulai direvisi. PDI Perjuangan setujupembahasan dilanjutkan asal memenuhi empat syarat. Arak-arakan ratusan penari tayub berjalan gemulai diiringi bunyi-bunyian alat musik tradisional seperti kendang dan gong. Mengenakan kemben, busana Jawa yang memperlihatkan bagian atas tubuh sedikit terbuka, sesekali mereka melakukan gerakan tarian tayub. Usia penari yang berdatangan dari Yogya, Cepu, Blora, Banyumas, Sragen, dan sekitar Solo itu beraneka ragam. Dari sekitar 17 hingga 60-an tahun. Mereka berjalan dari Sekolah Tinggi Seni Indonesia Solo ke Taman Budaya Surakarta, yang berjarak sekitar 800 meter. Para penari tayub yang pada Rabu pekan lalu tumplek di jalanan Solo itu tak hendak mengikuti karnaval. Mereka berkumpul untuk berunjuk rasa memprotes Rancangan Undang-Undang Antipornografi dan Pornoaksi (RUU APP) yang sekarang gencar digodok di DPR. “Kalau tarian seperti tayub dianggap porno, saya tidak akan bisa lagi nayub di acara-acara d

Berjuang dengan Usulan

Beberapa fraksi akan mengajukan usulan perubahan isi draf Rancangan Undang-Undang Antipornografi. Inilah sejumlah usulan terbaru dari beberapa fraksi itu. Perjalanan Rancangan Undang-Undang Antipornografi kini segera memasuki tahap baru: membongkar dan memperbaiki isi pasal sesuai dengan masukan yang didapat dari masyarakat. Setelah dua pekan lalu panitia perumus menyepakati sistematika RUU itu, yang antara lain membuang beberapa bab, sehingga RUU ini meramping jadi delapan dari 11 bab, maka tahap selanjutnya memperdebatkan pasal-pasal dalam bab itu. Usulan perubahan, atau juga penghapusan pasal-pasal, itu diajukan lewat daftar inventaris masalah (DIM) yang kemudian digodok tim perumus. Dalam DIM yang didapat Tempo, setidaknya empat fraksi sudah menyampaikan usulan perubahannya. Keempatnya memiliki perbedaan cukup mencolok satu sama lain. Selain nama rancangan undang-undangnya, pengertian pornografi, serta sanksi pidana dan denda bagi para pelanggarnya juga diminta diubah. Soal nama, m

Lebih Cepat Lebih Lengkap

Kode Etik Jurnalistik menggantikan Kode Etik Wartawan Indonesia. Juga mengatur perilaku wartawan elektronik. FANTASTIS. Itulah komentar wartawan senior Atmakusumah Astraatmadja setelah melihat Kode Etik Jurnalistik disahkan dan ditandatangani wakil 29 organisasi wartawan, di Hotel Harris, Jakarta, Selasa pekan lalu. Kode etik baru ini digodok hanya dalam waktu kurang dari dua bulan. Memang fantastis jika diingat kode etik sebelumnya, yang ditandatangani pada 6 April 1999 di Bandung, membutuhkan waktu tujuh bulan. Proses “kilat” itu pula yang membuat lega Ketua Dewan Pers, Ichlasul Amal. Sebagai tuan rumah, dibantu Yayasan Tifa, Dewan Pers sempat khawatir pembahasan berlangsung alot, panas, bahkan mungkin ricuh. “Panitia sempat berencana menyiapkan polisi karena khawatir kisruh,” kata Amal, sembari tertawa, saat memberikan sambutan penutupan. Memang, draf yang disiapkan kelompok kerja, yang dibentuk Dewan Pers, sempat menjadi bahan perdebatan hangat. Salah satunya soal kata “tidak be

Acquittals Unlimited?

Former boss of Bank Mandiri, E.C.W. Neloe has been exonerated from corruption charges. EDUARD Cornelis William Neloe could not hide his joy upon hearing the verdict handed down by the South Jakarta District Court over his case, last Monday. Following trial, Neloe was swamped by dozens of journalists. He was also greeted by family members and colleagues, shaking his hand and congratulating him on the favorable verdict. "I have been seeking justice for a long time and today I have received it, although it is not over yet," Neloe told journalists. Chaired by judge Gatot Suharnoto, the judicial panel presiding over Neloe's case exonerated Neloe and two other Bank Mandiri directors, I Wayan Pugeg and M. Sholeh Tasripan from corruption charges made against them for their involvement in the Bank Mandiri credit loan scandal. The court verdict has sparked controversy. The prosecution indicted Neloe, Pugeg and Tasripan on corruption charges for approving a Rp160 billion bridging lo