
Showing posts from January, 2006

Silang Pendapat Perlindungan Saksi

DPR mulai membahas Undang-Undang Perlindungan Saksi dan Korban. Sejumlah pasal diperkirakan akan alot pembahasannya. MULAI Senin pekan ini para aktivis yang tergabung dalam Koalisi Perlindungan Saksi akan mengarahkan mata dan telinganya ke DPR. Parlemen akan mulai membahas Rancangan Undang-Undang Perlindungan Saksi. Jika berhasil, inilah undang-undang yang akan menjadi payung hukum bagi para saksi yang ikut membongkar kejahatan. ”Pembahasannya biasanya secara tertutup, tapi kami akan terus memantaunya,” kata juru bicara Koalisi, Supriyadi. Koalisi Perlindungan Saksi, yang antara lain terdiri dari LBH Jakarta, Elsam, Komnas Perempuan, Walhi, memang harus memantau pembahasan ini agar isinya ”tak jauh panggang dari api”. Proses RUU ini sendiri terbilang lelet. Meski sebagai usul inisiatif—diajukan oleh 40 anggota Dewan pada 19 Mei 2002—dan menjadi prioritas tahun 2005, kepastian pembahasan RUU tersebut baru muncul pekan lalu dengan dibentuknya panitia kerja di DPR. Menurut Agus Purnomo, s

The Rigors of Re-Selection

The Judicial Commission has drafted regulations to replace the laws governing the appointment of Supreme Court justices in an attempt to have the judiciary reshuffled. JUDICIAL Commission member Irawady Joenoes has been putting in long hours at the office over the past two weeks. Joined by other colleagues from the Judicial Commission, Joenoes has been pushing to complete the draft government regulations to replace the laws governing the selection of Supreme Court justices. "We hope to publicize the draft regulations this February," Joenoes told Tempo, last Tuesday. Earlier in the day, Joenoes received a visit from a prominent former Supreme Court justice, now in his 70's. The retired judge expressed disappointment about the moral conduct of certain Supreme Court justices, giving examples of their wrongful behavior. "We are even receiving complaints from within the Supreme Court itself," Joenoes told Tempo. Complaints about the increasing corruption of the judic

The Sting at Chamoe Chamoe

The Crimes of Corruption Eradication Team has arrested a judge for attempting to extort money from a key witness in the controversial Jamsostek social security case. Voice recordings and SMS will be used as evidence. LAST Monday, officers from the Anti-Corruption Task Force Team (Timtas Timikor) arrested Judge Herman Allosintadi at his home in the Judiciary Housing Complex in Ragunan, Jakarta. Herman was getting ready to leave for his office when he opened the door to four officials. "We are from the Anti-Corruption Team, here to detain you for questioning," one of them said. Herman was brought to the Police Headquarters in Blok M, South Jakarta. There, the District Court Judge was questioned for five hours by a team of investigators. The interrogation focused on his motives in ordering South Jakarta District Court clerk, Andry Djemmy Lumanauw to demand money from Jamsostek Risk Management Analysis Unit Chief, Wolter Sigalingging--a key witness in the highly controversial Jam

Janji yang Diulur-ulur

NURSJAHBANI Katjasungkana setengah berlari ke ruang Badan Musyawarah DPR, Kamis pekan lalu. Di sela-sela mengikuti dua rapat dari empat rapat panitia khusus yang diikutinya, anggota Komisi Hukum DPR ini ingin tahu nasib agenda kasus Trisakti, Semanggi I dan II, yang ia dengar akan dibahas hari itu.

Mengapa Lumbung Yang Dibakar

DUA pekan terakhir, Irawady Joenoes lebih kerap pulang larut malam dari kantornya ketimbang hari-hari biasa. Bersama sejumlah anggota Komisi Yudisial lainnya, Koordinator Bidang Pengawasan Keluhuran Martabat dan Perilaku Hakim Komisi Yudisial ini tengah ngebut menuntaskan draf peraturan pemerintah pengganti undang-undang yang mengatur seleksi ulang hakim agung. ”Februari ini kami mengharap sudah bisa disosialisasi,” kata Irawady kepada Tempo di ruang kerjanya, Selasa pekan lalu.

A Fight to The Bitter End in Depok

IT is as if Badrul Kamal--the former mayor of Depok--has launched a total war, a fight to the bitter end. The moment the Supreme Court (MA) annulled the West Java High Court's decision and accepted the Depok Regional General Elections Commission (KPUD) judicial review, Badrul constituted a new movement. He did not wish to waste any time. Last Wednesday, through his attorney, he requested that the Constitutional Court conduct a formal examination and hear an appeal against the Supreme Court's decision. "If our suit is accepted, the Supreme Court's decision will be invalid," said Badrul's attorney Alberth M. Sagala.

Badrul Kamal: Golkar has instructed me to fight back

BADRUL Kamal is questioning the decision of the Supreme Court (MA) which annulled his win in the West Java High Court. "Even if the judge had erred, it should not have influenced the court's decision," he maintained. The following are excerpts of an interview with Badrul Kamal, by Tempo reporter Abdul Manan, last Friday.

Inconsistent Law Enforcers

A variety of problems have surfaced during the elections for regional heads. Interestingly, only one is in court: the Depok case. AS of June 2005, there have been 166 direct elections of regional heads, either to elect mayors, regents or governors. None however have been as sensational as the election of the mayor of Depok, West Java. The rivalry between the Nurmahmudi Ismail-Yuyun Wirasaputra duet and Badrul Kamal-Syihabuddin Ahmad duet has even reached the level of the Supreme Court (MA), even though the Law on Regional Government states that the resolution of disputes over the election of regional heads are final at one judicial level: The high court for the election of mayors and regents and the Supreme Court for governors. Of course disputes over the election of district head are not exclusively over the issue of the vote count. Based on the Independent Election Monitoring Committee's (KIPP) records, there are two types of issues that have been the source of disputes. Firstly,

Berakhir di Restoran Manado

Tim Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi menangkap hakim yang mencoba memeras saksi kasus Jamsostek. Rekaman suara dan SMS akan dijadikan barang bukti. SECANGKIR kopi itu baru diminum Herman Allositandi separuhnya saat pintu rumahnya di Jalan Kancil, Kompleks Kehakiman, Ragunan, diketuk orang. Hari itu Senin dan Herman bersiap berangkat ke kantornya. Begitu hakim kelahiran Toraja, 51 tahun, itu membuka pintu, empat orang pria segera masuk. ”Kami dari Tim Pemberantasan Korupsi, mendapat tugas menahan dan memeriksa Bapak,” ujar salah satu di antaranya. Pagi itu juga, Senin pekan lalu sekitar pukul 08.00, Herman diboyong ke Markas Besar Kepolisian di kawasan Blok M. Di sana, para penyelidik dari Tim Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi (Timtas Tipikor) menginterogasinya selama sekitar lima jam. Mereka memberondong Herman dengan pertanyaan seputar perintahnya kepada panitera pengganti Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan, Andry Djemmy Lumanauw, untuk meminta uang kepada Wolter Sigalingging, Kep

Karena Penegak Hukum Tak Konsisten

SEJAK Juni 2005, sudah ada 166 pemilihan kepala daerah secara langsung, baik memilih wali kota, bupati, maupun gubernur. Namun, tak ada yang seheboh pemilihan Wali Kota Depok, Jawa Barat. Persaingan pasangan Nurmahmudi Ismail-Yuyun Wirasaputra dan Badrul Kamal-Syihabuddin Ahmad sampai melesat ke tingkat Mahkamah Agung, meski Undang-Undang Pemerintahan Daerah menyatakan sengketa pemilihan kepala daerah sudah final di satu tingkat peradilan saja: pengadilan tinggi untuk wali kota dan bupati, serta Mahkamah Agung untuk gubernur.

Badrul Kamal: Golkar Memerintahkan untuk Melawan

Badrul Kamal menggugat keputusan kasasi Mahkamah Agung yang menganulir kemenangannya di Pengadilan Tinggi Jawa Barat. ”Kalaupun hakim melakukan kesalahan, mestinya tidak mempengaruhi keputusan pengadilan,” katanya. Berikut wawancara wartawan Tempo, Abdul Manan, dengan Badrul, Jumat pekan lalu.

Pertempuran Habis-habisan di Depok

Badrul Kamal, bekas Wali Kota Depok, bak menggelar perang bubat, perang habis-habisan. Begitu Mahkamah Agung membatalkan putusan Pengadilan Tinggi Jawa Barat dan menerima peninjauan kembali Komisi Pemilihan Umum Daerah Depok, Badrul segera menyusun gerakan baru. Ia tak mau kehilangan waktu. Rabu lalu, lewat kuasa hukumnya, ia meminta Mahkamah Konstitusi melakukan uji formal dan uji materiil atas keputusan Mahkamah Agung (MA) itu. ”Jika gugatan kami diterima, keputusan MA tidak berlaku,” kata kuasa hukum Badrul, Alberth M. Sagala.

Now, for the Mastermind

Police are to continue the investigation into Munir's murder, but everything depends on the president's level of commitment. THE police now have some homework to do after the panel of judges at the Central Jakarta District Court sentenced Pollycarpus Budihari Priyanto to 14 years in jail in the Munir murder case. During the court hearing, the judges said that it was shown that from August 25 up until the day Munir died, phone records show 41 phone contacts between Pollycarpus and cell phone number 0811900978 owned by Muchdi Purwoprandjono, a former Level V Deputy Director of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN). The judges declared that Munir's murder was a conspiracy and in one point of clarification noted that there was a possibility that the one who gave the order for the murder was the person who spoke with Pollycarpus. Although there was no witness that overheard the conversation, "Between the defendant and the speaker on the phone there was an agreement about the

Busyro Muqoddas: Kami Justru Menghormati Bagir Manan

Kendati sudah melayangkan surat kedua, Ketua Komisi Yudisial Busyro Muqoddas mengaku tak bisa melakukan upaya paksa jika Ketua Mahkamah Agung itu menolak datang. “Undang-undang tidak memberikan kewenangan untuk itu,” kata Busyro saat diwawancarai wartawan Tempo, Abdul Manan, Kamis pekan lalu, di kantornya. Berikut petikan wawancara tersebut. Apa persisnya latar belakang Komisi Yudisial memanggil Bagir Manan? Kami memanggil Pak Bagir sebagai hakim agung yang menjadi ketua majelis perkara Probosutedjo. Ada beberapa hal yang akan kami tanyakan berkaitan dengan laporan yang kami dapat dari Probosutedjo, dan pemeriksaan Harini serta lima pegawai Mahkamah Agung. Misalnya, Harini mengaku diterima Pak Bagir di ruang kerjanya sekitar September. Menurut Pak Bagir dalam pernyataan di pers, pertemuan itu sudah enam bulan yang lalu. Itu kan ada perbedaan. Lalu, Pak Bagir mengatakan Harini menemuinya cuma untuk pamitan karena sudah pensiun. Kami ingin tanya, masa pamit harus dengan Ketua MA? Harini

Busyro Muqoddas: Kami Justru Menghormati Bagir Manan

02 JANUARI 2006 Foto: Kendati sudah melayangkan surat kedua, Ketua Komisi Yudisial Busyro Muqoddas mengaku tak bisa melakukan upaya paksa jika Ketua Mahkamah Agung itu menolak datang. ?Undang-undang tidak memberikan kewenangan untuk itu," kata Busyro saat diwawancarai wartawan Tempo, Abdul Manan, Kamis pekan lalu, di kantornya. Berikut petikan wawancara tersebut.